Wednesday 15 April 2020

It's been a while...and 2 more editions to the family

I have been thinking about this blog for so long and keep thinking that I need to reignite it.  What better time now that I have all the time (that's a total lie, I have no time, I am hiding upstairs in between dinner time and bath time).

Anyway, I am using this blog to capture the magic of this time in our lives before it becomes a beautiful memory.  A place for photos and ro recall the wonderful things that happened in their brief childhood.

Today it's the turn of Super Grace, and only to be called Super Grace, aged 2. When asked what her super power was, Giving Chocolate to everyone.  It's true, everyone needs a Super Grace, making the world a little sweeter everyday

Anyway here's a few photos from the past few days, Easter, Bluebells and tree climbing

Thursday 1 August 2013

Edie gets hold of a pot of hummous

...but with just a little bit of guidance she starts using the carrot stick and the hummous as dip.

In other news she can now say 'bird'. In fact last night she was awake for an hour impressing us with her lastest word. First word was 'bye', followed by 'cat', then 'hi' said whilst holding something to her ear e.g. plum, water bottle, a hummous covered hand, mobile phone. She can also mimic you when you say tick tock and even looks at the wall to see where it is. She is standing unaided and can almost stand for as long as 15 secs.

She is also a daredevil.  We went to the water park in victoria park which, being the hottest day of the year, was packed. It was a little terrifying as they is a wide range of people there, including a toddler drinking coke out of a baby's bottle.  Anyway, I dipped edies toe into the gentle stream of water and as quick as a flash she is on her hands and knees crawling away to try and negotiate a bottle from the hands of a 2 year old. She never once looks for me, although she is probably all to aware that I am a millisecond behind her ready to spoil any fun she might want to have (rescue her from putting who knows what into her mouth).

Anyway, it was a lovely day out with a antenatal babies, Bonnielicious, Hammond Heap aka HRH and Beatrix.